
SSR, CSR 그리고 Pre-rendering

Posted on Thu, Feb 4, 2021
Rendering on the Web | Google Developers

As developers, we are often faced with decisions that will affect the entire architecture of our applications. One of the core decisions web developers must make is where to implement logic and rendering in their application. This can be a difficult, since there are a number of different ways to build a website.

How Gatsby and Next.js really work (and what it means for speed and SEO)

This is a transcript of an (extremely technical but nonetheless interesting) conversation about Gatsby, Next.js, speed, SEO, caching, and other things between Sadek (the CEO of Prismic) and Gabe (a core engineer - at Prismic, too). Watch the video, or scan through the highlights below, or read the entire thing - or do none of these things.

Client-side vs. Server-side vs. Pre-rendering for Web Apps

User experience tanks when sites feel slow. Today's heavier front ends don't help. In this article, Toptal Freelance Front-end Developer Guillaume Breux compares client-side vs server-side and also pre-rendering strategies to help you choose the best option for your own app.
